New Kid Fluent Or Not

Jordan’s neighborhood I would say is not that fluent. I say that because he lives in a apartment. The kids from Jordans school do live in a fluent neighborhood. All the kids come in expensive cars. Jordans neighborhood is more apartments than tall houses.

Goal Reflection

I am going to change my goal and my plan. For my goal it will be 25 for now I might change it. My plan will be to read more at home and pick books I can finish.

New Kid

I think Jordan, Drew, and Liam are going to be good friend at the end of the book. They were mostly handing out this chapter.The secret santa thing was weird.Drew thought Andy was being mean but it was Ashley and was being nice.

First Quarter Goal

Goal At the end of the first quarter i will score a 1041 on the star test also i will… Actions read on the weekends read harder books read more at home Supports brother will quiz me MR.Brown will challenge me with harder book club books

New Kid

I think Jordan is getting along at his school. Jordan gets on the bus all cool and stuff and when he gets off he is not all cool and stuff. Jordan meets Mr. Garner and they talk. Jordan and Drew get along together.Alexandra,Drew, and Jordan go for a walk and talk.


Jordan is shy at his new school. He gets lost in the huge new school. Liam is his guide and his friend at the school. Andy is mean he calls jordan names. One of his classmates has a sock puppet. Drew is I think another new student.